Sin City

I love you
I love you, too
with all my heart
Cold shower. It helps
No, Nancy
Recognize my voice, Hartigan?
Recognize my voice, you piece of shit cop?
I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice
Sure, I recognize your voice, Junior
Everything's going straight to hell
I've been suckered into betraying the only friend I got
And put her in the hands of a murdering rapist I thought I put down for good
Suckered by a spoiled brat, son of a senator
It's all gone to hell
Klump. It's me
I got a dead man needs to be fetched
I want you to set me up for a party
I've already got the girl, you dumb shit
It better be perfect or I'm calling my dad
My tools better be clean and sharp
Better be ready. It better be perfect
I get to do whatever I want
However I want, whenever I want it
My dad. I'd love him if I didn't hate him
He spent a fortune hiring every expert on the planet to grow back that equipment you blew off from between my legs
Just so the old fart can hold out some kind of hope of having a grandkid
Although, as you can see, there were some... side effects
I'm not complaining though. Since you've been gone, I've been having the time of my life
Now you've led me back to your darling Cordelia
We all wondered who wrote all those letters. She left not a clue
Clever girl. So pretty, so pretty
Little old for my taste, but I can forgive that just this once
