Son of the Mask

Milyarlarca kez söyledim. Hayýr.
Niye ona bu kadar ihtiyacýn var?

Ýhtiyacým yok. Olduðunu kim
söyledi. Ýhtiyacým yok.

- Hoþça kal.
- Güle güle.

Hadi babaya güle güle de.
Al bakalým. Ýster misin?
Bak bakalým, izle.

Thor gibi olmaný istiyorum.
Aptal herif.

Bu benim kulak-burun-boðaz doktorum.
Odin çok iyi olduðunu düþünüyor.

Artýk kimse sana
tapmýyor bile.

I'm never gonna
be like Thor.

I just wish that--
can't you just

Iove me for who I am
and not for who I'm not?
No! I want you to be
more like Thor!

Now, I've wasted
enough time here.

I felt a tremor.
A child has been
born of the mask!

Wow. A baby's born
of the mask,

so that sort of makes me
kind of like a dad, huh?

- Find it!
- The baby or the mask?

Find the baby
and you will
find the mask.

Tonya, have you
seen Otis?

He's in his
new doghouse!

Who's a happy baby?
Who's a happy baby?
Let's blow up
another one.

You like these, huh?
They're pretty!

Honey, honey, honey,
just a second ago,

he was counting the balloons.
He held up five fingers.

That's great, hon.
I gotta go.

Daniel brought in Chad
to backstab me-- oh, I mean help me--
