Statski sovetnik

l'm not a fearful type,
l know methods of the police.
My comrades would rather
believe me than you.

Of course they will believe
a hero of the revolution,
a knight,
a bayard.
They'd believe a knight.
But you are a prankster.
l have here most interesting photos.
Have a look.
Mister Seleznev paying a visit
to a disreputable parlor in Ligovka Street.
He was after rush of some different nature.
And, look: it's him
- ...and a ten-year-old girl.
- Nothing of the kind!

She is 1 4 and has been there
for 3 years already.

That makes things different:
a 1 4-year-old girl old enough
for a revolutionary client.

A new method, secret photographing.
- Have a look.
- How disgusting.

My dear, you rather belong
with anarchists,
with their primitive morale.
Your lot won't forgive you this.
Some pirouette for the pure
revolutionary cause.

After this they would believe
any obscene thing about you.
l know what your crowd is like.
How can you know?
Frankly speaking, l feel for you.
Such a waste of talent.
Why should you need these
dull tape-worms?
