The Business

And you,
you'd get one right through the fucking nut
if you wasn't Charlie's boy.

The funny thing was,
as my life got bigger,

my world got smaller.
The more money we made,
the less time we spent enjoying it.

Sammy cut away anyone he didn't need.
Every day above ground
was a result around him.

No-one was safe.
I'm telling you, fucking no-one.

Sam, there's a geezer out front
wants to see you.

Who is it?
One of the mayor's lot.
Hello, English. How are you?
What do you fucking want?
The mayor is having a dinner party
at his residence this evening.

He has requested your company.
What for?
That's between you and him.
A party, eh?
We expect you at six.
It's glamorous casual.
Tell your man we'll be there.
- OK.

I tell my man you'll be there.
Whatever. Come on.
Listen, we can't exactly blank him.
We'll make a night of it.
- What's fucking glamorous casuals, anyway?
- I'd better dust my tux off, eh?

What for?
For the party.
No need to bother, Dan.
Oh, yeah, Sam? Why's that?
What do you think, Ron?
What's that mean? You dropping us?
No-one's dropping anyone.
But some things are for us only.

- All right?
- I thought we were all partners.

Well, we fucking well ain't partners, Ron.
You and your pal are on the payroll.

So don't start getting fucking lemon.
There was never talk of partnerships.
You both fucking knew the deal

and we've looked after you.
Sammy, are you fucking winding us up?
No, I'm not winding you up, Ron.
