The Business

The marijuana is OK.
But if you sell the cocaine, it is a problem.
And if there is a problem,
you lose.
Buenos amigos, eh?
Ese chico
me lo sientan al lado para la cena?

He's saying he would like
to sit next to you for dinner.

Tell him it's OK.
What do you reckon?
- I think we should knock down that wall.
- Whatever you want.

Get rid of all that Spanishified shit.
I want red, black and chrome everywhere.
See that terracotta? It's gotta go.
I want marble throughout.

- My gun cabinet?
- Can't you put them under the bed?

That should take care of it.
Now fuck off out of my house.
He means it.
Now, be careful, there's a day's money in there.
Go on.

And keep the change, you Toby.
- I think that was out, Charl.
- Sammy, it was in.
