The Interpreter

I'm scared, and my protector
is someone who doesn't believe me.

You don't look scared.
People handle fear in different ways, Mr. Keller.
It turns some people into stand-up comedians.
You don't know me at all.

Maybe I should see about assigning someone
to look after me who's better suited to the job.

I don't look after you,
I look after the man who's been
threatened, if there was a threat.

My job, as it concerns you,
is to investigate you.

So you're not here to offer me
any protection whatsoever?

No, ma'am.
And we were getting along so well.
- So what do you think?
- She's a liar.

Agent Keller? Morning.
Special Agent Lewis, FBI. This is Agent King.

We're on loan.
So they have to be returned
in the same condition, or no refund.

- Keller.
- Woods.

- Are you sure you're ready to come back?
- I'm better working.

- We got a credible threat?
- We should assume so.

As popular as we are in the rest of the world,
the last thing we need is to have
a foreign leader get popped here,

particularly a guy like this that we don't like.
So State wants you to know, NSA, CIA, FBI,
whatever you need to keep this maniac's
heart beating till he gets out, it's yours.

