The Legend of Zorro

- Alejandro.
- Elena.

- Armand.
- De la Vega.

- Count.
- You know each other?

We shared a giggle
at the buffet table.

It seems that's not all
we have shared.

Allow me to defuse
an awkward situation.

Elena has portrayed you as a man
of impeccable character.

I am honored
to be mentioned at all.

Why, I nearly forgot we were still
married only three months ago.

A blessing on your vineyard, count.
Thank you for inviting us,
but we have a Mass...

Don't be rude, Felipe. I'm just dying
to know how the lovebirds met.

Another time.
We have many guests to greet.

Armand, good evening.
Governor Riley.
You honor us with your presence.

May I present my wife, Mary.
Your speech was
incredibly moving, count.

I'm glad you're not running for office
against my husband.

I wouldn't challenge the man who's
going to lead California into the Union.

I fear there may not be
much of a Union left to join, governor.

Everyone, may I introduce...
...Colonel R.S. Beauregard,
of the 1 st Alabama Infantry.

What brings you here, colonel?
The threat of civil war, my dear.
Once California joins the Union, the
Confederate states'll be outnumbered.

My countrymen find that troubling.
All this talk of politics, you know how
it bores me, Armand. Shall we dance?

Of course. Excuse us, gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the imperial quadrille.

Perhaps you shouldn't drink
on an empty stomach.

Perhaps you should wear lipstick
if you're gonna act like my mother.

Say the word
and I'll escort you home.

- And leave your guests?
- In a heartbeat.

I care for you too much to subject you
to an evening of forced smiles, Elena.
