The Legend of Zorro

Ladies and gentlemen...
...Senora Elena de la Vega!
Well, I'm pooped.
Come on, let's go.

I don't wanna go.
I'm having so much fun.

Monsieur and Madame Lupon.
- Pleasure, madame.
- Thank you.

Very nice to meet you.
- Alejandro.
- Elena.

- Armand.
- De la Vega.

- Count.
- You know each other?

We shared a giggle
at the buffet table.

It seems that's not all
we have shared.

Allow me to defuse
an awkward situation.

Elena has portrayed you as a man
of impeccable character.

I am honored
to be mentioned at all.

Why, I nearly forgot we were still
married only three months ago.

A blessing on your vineyard, count.
Thank you for inviting us,
but we have a Mass...

Don't be rude, Felipe. I'm just dying
to know how the lovebirds met.

Another time.
We have many guests to greet.

Armand, good evening.
Governor Riley.
You honor us with your presence.

May I present my wife, Mary.
Your speech was
incredibly moving, count.

I'm glad you're not running for office
against my husband.

I wouldn't challenge the man who's
going to lead California into the Union.
