The Longest Yard

I used to play
a little college ball myself.

Down at the University of Miami.
I bet a lot of your old teammates
are locked up in here.

No inmates from my playing days.
Couple of guards, though.

See, we got us a fine
prison-guard league down here.

It's like a company softball team.
Now, the warden...
...he's gonna ask you to help out.
Okay. With what?
That wasn't nice.
When the warden asks you,
what are you gonna say?
You're gonna tell him "no. "
You got it?

You're gonna tell the warden
that you want nothing to do
with his football fantasies.

Not in my back yard.
Because the warden
don't run this prison. I do.

You understand?
Not entirely.
Okay. I feel you, dog. I feel you.
Paul "Wrecking" Crewe.
I don't get to say this
to my new guests very often,

but it's an honor to have you
here at this institution.

It's an honor to be
locked up here, sir.

Oh, well, this is Errol Dandridge.
Colonel Sanders
been eating his own chicken.

He's my political adviser.
See, I've been approached
by several very influential people

wondering if I'd be interested
in standing for governor.

They see the way I run this prison,
think maybe I should run this state.

Only with less sodomy, right?
Hopefully none.
