The Perfect Man

Excuse me? Can you help me?
Dinner's ready.
There must be something wrong
with him.

Mr. Wonderful.

What? No,
there's nothing wrong
with him. He's perfect.

Then why all the secrecy?
Why doesn't he just come on
over, show his face,
and say hello?

Like a normal person.
Listen to yourself.
The man wants to be
the least bit romantic...

and all of sudden you think
he's not normal.

How do I know if he is?
And if he is,
what does he look like?

Is he tall, is he short?
Does he have
blond, curly hair,
straight, black hair, what?

I bet he has a big,
fat wart on his nose.

I bet that he's really,
really handsome.

And how would you know?
He writes like
he's really handsome.

Honey, have you seen
pictures of Shakespeare?
Bald, skinny.

Does that
even really matter?

Yes. Because you can't have
a relationship with a man...

you've never laid eyes on.
Honey, I've got a party of 50
coming in a half an hour.

It will only
take a second.

Oh, You can take my picture.
Just be sure
to get my good side.

Over here, Brad Pitt.
Over here, David Spade,
not so cute.

No, I'm just swamped,
I'm sorry.

Hey, Uncle Ben,
what's that stuff you put
on top of your spinach salad?

Parmesan what?

Ben. It's a nice name.
Dependable. Ben.

And it's way better
than Lenny. And he's way cuter
than Lenny.

Don't you be mean
about Lenny.
He's a good egg.

Just not the egg for me.
I like this egg.
I want this egg
to be my boyfriend.

When's he coming over?
As soon as he gets back.

Well, where did he go?
He's opening up
a new restaurant
in China.

And the phone lines
there are impossible,

So as soon as he gets back,
he's going to call.
