The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Just one thing.
What was in the package?
Just some....
Just those pair of pants over there.
l'm sharing them
with my friends for the summer.

-What's so great about an old pair of jeans?

They just happen to
mysteriously fit us all perfectly.

l wonder what they'd look like on me.
On the off-chance you'd ever
let me try them on.

-Like now, for example.
-Go ahead, do whatever you want.

l need some quiet.
l need you to take the baby!
My Carma-poochie-ay,
I'm writing from the post office...

...and this express mail costs more
than I make in two hours at Wallmans...

:45:22 these jeans
better get to you tomorrow.

Here we are on a typical
Bethesda corner...

...where generations of young entrepreneurs
have proved the old adage:

''When life hands you lemons,
make lemonade.''

So the question on my mind is...
:45:35 this fresh-squeezed or powder?
-Does it matter if it's good lemonade?
-Let me ask the questions.

I'm sad to report that
nothing of consequence happened...

...while wearing the pants.
I spilled a Sprite...
...and my rat-faced manager
accused me of receipt withholding.

-Receipt withholding.
-In rat-faced manager lingo...

...that means forgetting
to give a sales slip.

You know, l was reading
that Bill Gates...

...when he was younger,
he ran a lemonade stand.

-You don't know that, that's not--
-Yeah, l do. l read it in a magazine.
