Wu ji

But you can learn to make up your own mind
When you know
whether or not you should strike

come and find me
Go then!
But I can promise you
when the last of the cherry blossoms
all have fallen

that very day before the sun sets
You will come back to my side

Bring my horse!
Yes, Master!
My horse will speed your return to me!
She won't come back, Master
You have lost her
Because of this woman,
you have disobeyed me a second time

I no longer want you with me!
I have nowhere to go
Go home, back to wherever you came from
Kunlun, I will take you home
The snow will restore your strength
and you will learn who you are

You are not a slave
You are a man from the most noble land of all
Where there was only light
and trust and clarity
Where we ran like the wind, and flew
