Les Bas-fonds

What is this chair?
The bailiff said that people
must be left something to sit on.

Could they be more sensitive?
Apparently it's the law.
Good old Felix,
I’ll never return here.

I can hardly restrain my tears, sir.
You are impeccable, Felix.
Tell me, Felix,
I owe you a lot in wages,

but will all you've stolen from me
be fair compensation?

Have no worries on that account, sir.
Don't bother to show me out -
I know the way.

Farewell, Felix.
In a way, lnspector,
I don't mind landing in jail.

I’m actually glad.
- Really?
- Yes.

There are certain people I’m avoiding.
You know, bad influences.

You must be thinking,
“A bad influence on Pepel?
Must be real scum!”

You're absolutely right.
Worse. lt's no laughing matter,
I swear.

- Really?
- Oh, yes.

So on the one hand,
I’d like to stay in prison,

but on the other,
I’d like to be released

to prove to a certain person
that I’m not what she thinks I am.

She's so stubborn.
Worse than a mule!

- How interesting.
- lsn't it?

So, how about a good deed?
Drop the charges.
Just to really get her goat.
What is it?
Come closer.

We're in for a laugh.
The baron is here in person.

Baron, you honor us too much,
coming here on such a trivial matter.

We'll return your items
after we've dealt with this man.

- What items?
- The cigarette case and the bronze.
