
If the situation were different. . .
. . .if I had to stay and there was
only one visa. . .

. . .would you take it?
Yes, I would.
Yes, I see.
When I had trouble
getting out of Lille. . .

. . .why didn't you leave me?
When I was sick in Marseilles
for two weeks and you were in danger. . .

. . .why didn't you leave me?
I meant to.
Something always held me up.

I love you very much.
Your secret will be safe with me.
Ferrari is waiting for our answer.
Not more than 50 francs.
We've decided, SeƱor Ferrari.
For the present we're looking
for two visas. Thank you very much.

Good luck, but be careful.
-You know you're being shadowed?
-It becomes instinct.

I observe that you, in one respect,
are very fortunate.

I'll make one suggestion.
Why, I do not know.

It cannot possibly profit me.
Have you heard
about the letters of transit?

Yes, something.
They were not found on Ugarte
when they arrested him.

-You know where they are?
-Not for sure.

But my guess is Ugarte left
those letters with Rick.

He's a difficult man.
One never knows what he'll do, or why.

But it is worth a chance.
Thank you very much.
Good day.

Bye. Thank you for your coffee.
I shall miss that when we leave.
It was gracious of you
to share it with me.

-Good day.

-Here's to you, sir.
-Good luck.

-I'd better be going.
-Check, please.

I have to warn you. This is
a dangerous place, full of vultures.

-Vultures everywhere. Thanks.

It has been a pleasure to meet you.
I'm sorry.
