Mrs. Miniver

I wouldn't dare tell you the price,
though. I feel terribly guilty about it.

I was already on my way home and
something seemed to come over me...

...a sort of trance. I got off the bus...
- Hello, darling.

- Oh, Clem.
- How are you?

That's Clem, dear.
As I was saying, I got off the bus...

...and I suddenly remembered that Vin
was due down from Oxford tomorrow.

Yes, Vin, dear, tomorrow.
Isn't that exciting?

And so we're all going down
to the station to see him.

Isn't that wonderful?
Sophie, you idiot,
Clem was standing right here beside me.

Of course I haven't told him.
You don't just throw things
like that at a man.

Well, there wasn't any connection,
I just had to say something.

Well, I'll probably tell him
after dinner tonight.

He's usually most docile
when having his coffee.

May we go to the station
and meet Vin tomorrow?

Of course, darling, if you're good.
Is Vin still a vege...?
"Vegetenarian," Mother?

I doubt it, darling.
He'll have some new idea.

That was just a phase
he was going through.

- What's a phase?
- Oh, it's just a thing people go through.

- Do I go through it?
- Yes, you're going through one now.

Am I? I'm going through a phase!
I'm going through a phase!

Stop waving your arms
and finish supper.

- What phase will he be going through?
- We'll have to wait and see.

Darling, I mustn't keep Daddy waiting.
Good night, sweetheart.
Be a good girl.

Could I run down to the post, ma'am?
Cook says she'll clear.

Well, of course, Gladys, but
don't let Horace keep you out too late.

Rather a dashing fellow,
young Horace Perkins, eh, Gladys?

