Now, Voyager

- Business.
- I'm glad we joined the cruise.

- We'll see you later.
- Thanks.

Wait a minute.
Why did you run off like that?
I'm tired. I'll eat in my cabin.
- You'll want your friends.
- Is more.

Why did you introduce me
like that?

It wasn't up to me to let the cat out.
Did I do wrong?
It doesn't make my situation
any easier.

Then why didn't you stop me?
Why did you call me Camille?
Is the only French name
I could think of.

- Besides Fifi.
- Thas meant to be funny?

My wife calls my lighter moments
"trying to be funny."

I don't blame you for feeling the same.
I intended a compliment.

In that dress, you're like a camellia.
You haven't a very high opinion
of yourself, have you?

Perhaps this will help you know why.
You showed me your album,
I'll show you mine.

A picture of my family.
Family is right.
- Your grandmother?
- My mother.

A very strong character.
- These?
- My brothers and wives.

Who's the fat lady with
the heavy brows and all the hair?

A spinster aunt.
Where are you?
Taking the picture?

I'm the fat lady with the heavy brows
and all the hair.

I'm poor Aunt Charlotte. I've been ill.
I've been in a sanitarium
for three months.

And I'm not well yet, and l...
Forgive me.
