Shadow of a Doubt

(Bogdanovich) Well, Hitchcock,
right from the beginning,

his earliest work to the end,
seemed to be very concerned about
making the villain not a cliché,

giving the villain a great deal of
character and uniqueness

as opposed to, you know,
the guy that flicks the moustache.

In Shadow of a Doubt ,
Hitchcock goes out of his way to give
him as much depth as possible.

The idea of smoke,
or the idea of him taking over.

He does seem to take over
the home, the family.

Hitchcock sees it in his head first.

He makes sure that there's
that smoke coming out of...

It might seem easy to read
too much into a Hitchcock film

but it always balances out.
You can always prove it. It's always so.
And I don't think it's ever an accident.
I think he sees it that way.
He sees it in his head first.

(Whispering) Oh, please let me...
Oh, please!
Oh, thank you.
Really, Charlie, you know as well
as I do the library closes at nine.

If I make one exception,
I'll have to make a thousand.

I'm sorry, Mrs Cochran, but there's
something in the paper I've got to see.

The way Hitchcock described it to me,

where she finds the newspaper piece...
He said, "When she sees it,
and she recognises that...
indeed Uncle Charlie is...
not all he pretends to be,
I want the camera to go...
(Inhales Sharply)

like an intake of breath."
Which I thought was terrific.
