Les Enfants du paradis

Maybe, but the same one every time.
How modest! How chaste!
It's not that.
They're just so ugly!
Ugly, indeed.
I'd like to stamp them out.
As cruel as ever?
I'm not cruel. I'm logical.
I declared war on humanity long ago.
Any victims lately,

None, my angel.
See? No trace of blood.

Just some ink stains.
But I'm planning something

Don't smile, Garance.
Truly, I'm not like other men.

My heart doesn't beat like theirs.
Absolutely not!

Have you ever been humiliated?
No, never.
Nor I. But they tried.
That was enough
for a man like me.

As a child, I was saner
and more clever than the others.

They never forgave me.
I had to be like them,
talk like them.
"Head up, Pierre-Francois!
Look at me!

Eyes down!"
They crammed my mind
with books.

Old books.
So much dust in a child's head.
A fine youth!
Mother favored my stupid brother.
My confessor said,
"You are too proud.
Withdraw into yourself."

So I withdrew into myself.
And there I remained.
Left alone with myself
to avoid dubious company!

The fools!
But what a splendid destiny!
To love no one, to be alone.
To be loved by no one.
To be free.
