Les Enfants du paradis

Not bad.
But mediocre...
I wouldn't mind that.

At least, when I talk about it,
it stops.

You see?
It wasn't so serious.

A mild fit.
You're already recovered.

Why should I recover so fast?
What if I enjoyed it?
What if jealousy
was helpful to me?

Helpful, even necessary.
Thank you, Garance.
Thanks to all of you,
I can at last play Othello!
I didn't feel the character.
He was alien to me.

Now he's a friend, a brother.
I've found him.

Othello, my heart's desire!
After you, Desdemona.
I'll go embrace Baptiste.
I owe him that much.

Shall I take him a message?
Really, Frederick!
I mean it.
True, I'm jealous,
but I understand.

And he has a wife and child.
That makes me feel better.

Whereas that other man...
Well, Garance?
You might mention me.
And if he seems to care,
say I'm passing through Paris,
that I'm leaving soon,

and that I'd be happy,
so very happy,

if he came to say hello.
