A Letter to Three Wives

Yeah. Not exactly
the same old six.

Tell me, how is Addie?
Rita and George, Deborah.
Debby, Rita and George Phipps.

They were with me the day
I swallowed my first worm...

and I hope will be there
when I swallow my last.

That's the most disgusting
introduction I ever heard.

- Hello, Deborah. Welcome.
- Thank you.

- How do you do, Deborah?
- How do you do?

Well, the occasión calls for a drink...
a quick one, because we're late.

- Uh, we've been admiring your photograph.
- Yes.

It's a very flattering one.
Maybe it's the uniform.

For some reason or other, I always seem
to be wearing a full beard in photographs.

- You know, even in snapshots as a child, l...
- Give me a hand, George.

Uh, excuse me.
I don't think it's particularly flattering.
Nice of you to say so, but it is.
Well, here's to Deb. And here's to us
and many happy returns of this day.

- I'll drink to that.
- Amen.

Ah. Now, if I can remember
my way to the club...

Oh, before we go, I have to call
the house and see if the sitter's showed up.

- It's Sadie's night out.
- Well, why not call from upstairs?

I have to get my bag anyway.
Good idea.
Now, don't make a tribal ceremony
out of it, giris. We're late now.

- Huh huh.
- George and I will get the car and wait outside.

- Mm-hmm.
- Remember, we'll be waiting outside.

- Uh-huh.
- Ready, George?

Mm? Oh.
- Oh, they finally put a traffic light at that dip
on Orchard Avenue.
- Yeah?

The Mayor cracked
his upper plate there last Christmas.

All the doors and windows are locked.
Don't worry about them.

Certainly not. They're old enough
to do that by themselves.

We'll be at the country club.
Fine. Good night.

- Something wrong?
- No.

The bugle sounds.
I think I've got a sick headache
and can't go.
