Sceicco bianco, Lo

''The Starry Abyss,'' ''Tortured Souls,''
''Hearts in the Storm.''

''Sin in Damask,''
''SweptAway by Love.''

I wait all week for my issue
of your magazine to arrive.

I pick it up at the station, run home
and lock myself in my room.

That's when my real life begins.
I read all night long.

Real life is the life of dreams.
I'm always dreaming.
There's nothing else to do there.
The people are so vulgar.

Young men don't know
how to speak to a girl, you know?

No, thank you, I don't smoke.
But may I keep it as a souvenir?
Of course.
I'm afraid I must be going.
Please, sit down.
Dear girl, you're right.
One must seek refuge inside oneself,
like the Countess Lucilla --

- In ''Love and Destiny.''
- Good girl! So you remember.

I remember all your characters:
the Countess Lucilla,
Felga the Gypsy,

Raniero the Adventurer,
and what's-his-name --

But most of all, the White Sheik.
Fernando Rivoli is sublime!
What a face!
Good morning, ma'am.
Please, boys!
We just need a moment.
We've just finished the layout
for the latest episode.

- Finished?
- Yes, of course.

Good morning.
Your elegance
is more refined every day.

- Do you like it?
- Very much.

What a dear!
Three letters to Rivoli,
and now you've come to see him.

My dear, you are indeed lucky.
He'll be here momentarily.

But it's very late.
I merely wanted to --
