Sceicco bianco, Lo

- In ''Love and Destiny.''
- Good girl! So you remember.

I remember all your characters:
the Countess Lucilla,
Felga the Gypsy,

Raniero the Adventurer,
and what's-his-name --

But most of all, the White Sheik.
Fernando Rivoli is sublime!
What a face!
Good morning, ma'am.
Please, boys!
We just need a moment.
We've just finished the layout
for the latest episode.

- Finished?
- Yes, of course.

Good morning.
Your elegance
is more refined every day.

- Do you like it?
- Very much.

What a dear!
Three letters to Rivoli,
and now you've come to see him.

My dear, you are indeed lucky.
He'll be here momentarily.

But it's very late.
I merely wanted to --

What's this, a photograph?
May I?

What is it? Let me see!
Did you draw this yourself?
It's a very good likeness.

Look, ma'am.
What a masterpiece!

It's wonderful!
His turban is perfect!
Such spirit, and a painter too!
Fernando will be ecstatic.
Such a generous, sensitive heart!

What about the punch line?
- The director needs it right away.

We're working on it!
Just a moment.

Has Fernando Rivoli arrived?
Nando? He's downstairs.
We've got to get going.

Oh, shut up!
What was I saying?
Let's see.
The punch line could be --
My dear?
If you were in the desert at night,
and you knew your sheik was
in danger, what would you say?

Who, me?
