What Price Glory

Begging your pardon, but where are you
gonna be while all this is going on?

I'm gonna be in Paris.
I got eight days leave. Why?

If you don't know why you're going to Paris,
I'd be the last one to try to tell you.

- Kiper! Kiper. All the platoon
leaders, on the double.
- Aye, sir.

- Who's this?
- Lewisohn. Came up with me.
Just got out of the hospital.

- Wounded, soldier?
- No, sir. Measles.

Babies. Always
sending me babies.

Look. I wanna show you the layout.
Come in.
We're holding over here.

On our left is the French.
Another baby to see you, Captain Flagg.
Charmaine, what are
you doing here?

I've changed my mind.
I'm going with you.

I don't mind if you're going to be
busy in Paris. I'll be busy too.

I'll bet!
Charmaine, I thought we settled
all this last night.

First, I can't take you to Paris
because of your father and my wife.

Second, I haven't got room
on the motorcycle.

Third, I might not stay in Paris.
This is gonna be one of
the biggest meetings of the war.

- General Pershing himself is gonna be there.
- You're a terrible liar. Is he not, Sergeant?

- Huh?
- It's not true that General
Pershing would talk to him?

It's true, lady. Absolutely true.
Captain Flagg here is a very important man.

He has to go to Paris.
As a matter of fact, that's why I'm here.

I'm what you'd call
a sort of a... replacement.

- I do not understand.
- Never mind. And don't you try
to explain either.

Now, Charmaine,
you go on home to Papa Pete.

And wait for Captain Flagg.
You're my girl, remember?

And if I hear of your running
around with anybody else...

I will tear you in two.
See? Now, go on home.
