It Came from Outer Space

We best check it
in the mornin'.

That must be Tom now.
Well, it took him
long enough.

That you, Tom ?.
[Radio Announcer] No one
hasyet turned up any bug-eyed
monsters threatening Earth...

and so it must be set down
as another one ofthose
fantastic hoaxes,

this one by a young
publicity-seeking astronomer.

Of course, ifhe should
turn up a spaceman or two,

this network cordially invites
them to address us one and all.

And now for some
last-minute news.

## [ Bi g Band ]
[ Music Stops ]
I was trying to help.
What do we do now ?.

Nothing. We wait.
We sit and we wait...

and we trust...
them to make it
clear for us, or--

Uh... come on,
I'll take you home.

You've got nothing to blame
yourself about,John.
What else could you do ?.

But, Ellen, are we right
in just, just sitting by ?.

We are right,
and we're not crazy !

And ifwe've been seeing things,
it's because we did see them !

[Doorbell Buzzing]
[ Screaming ]
Evening, Miss Fields.
What's the idea, Perry ?.
to see Johnny.
Yeah ?.

What're you made up for ?.
I'm a spaceman
out of the crater.

Says foryou to get
over there right away.
Okay, okay.
