A Star Is Born

- Good evening, Mr. Maine.
- Hello, Bruno. How are you?

There's a little dark girl,
sings with the Glenn Williams Orchestra.

The Glenn Williams Orchestra finishes
at 1:30, Mr. Maine.

Then the rhumba band takes over.
They finished about an hour ago.

It doesn't matter, Bruno.
The whole thing seems rather silly now.

I'll tell you something, Mr. Maine.
All the bands that play here,
the musicians, you know...

...they go to a little place
on Sunset Boulevard after they finish.

And maybe the girl could be there.
They're crazy people, you know.

They blow their heads off here all night.
Then instead of going to bed,
they go to this little place...

...and blow their heads off there
for themselves, for nothing!

Would you like a table, sir?
Not unless you wish
to rhumba with me, Bruno.

Is there anyone here that I know?
Well now, let's see.
There's a new little girl from Paramount.
That one there, yes.
She's very pretty, Mr. Maine.
She's with someone, isn't she?
Only her agent.
He'll be glad to leave.
Too young. I had a very young week
last week.

It's not worth it.
Is there anyone else?
Miss Sheldon.
She's very beautiful tonight, Mr. Maine.
No. She hit me over the head
with a bottle.
