On the Waterfront

At last an lrish shipment.
And loaded to the gunnels
with fine lrish whiskey.

You see, Kayo,
the good Lord takes care of us all the time.

-That he does.
-Come on out, Kayo, get it up.

All right, take it up. Take it away.
And don't go walking off with any of that!
You know how the boss feels
about individual pilferage.

All right, all right.
Now you see the advantage
of a little man in a big coat.

-Let me see you a minute afterwards.
-What're you here for?

To see that we don't steal
any of Mr. Friendly's precious cargo?

-I want to talk to you.
-Get away from me, will you?

All right. Take it up. Take it away.
Kayo, you're a walking distillery.
Watch it!
Get a doctor!
He don't need a doctor. He needs a priest.
I came down here to keep a promise.
I gave Kayo my word
that if he stood up to the Mob...

...I'd stand up with him all the way.
And now Kayo Dugan is dead.
He was one of those fellows
who had the gift for standing up.

This time they fixed him.
They fixed him for good this time,
unless it was an accident...

...like Big Mac says.
Some people think the Crucifixion
only took place on Calvary.

They better wise up.
