Guys and Dolls

solid gold, with an ivory top
and a built-in compass.

Sarah, you don't suppose by any chance
those watches could really be solid gold?

Uncle Arvide, don't you dare.
A solid gold watch for one buck.
Harry the Horse!
Benny Southstreet! Since when
do ya yell out the name of a person

- in the open air full of police?
- It was a friendly impulse. I lost my head.

If I do not like you so much
this would now be a fact.

- You know Nicely-Nicely Johnson?
- How goes everything?

Nicely-nicely, thank you.
I have been waitin'
to hear from Nathan Detroit.

What will be the location
of his crap game?

We don't know yet. Nathan's been lookin'
around, but he is very hard to please.

Confidentially, Harry, the heat is on very
hot here, and it is making Nathan sweat.

That's too bad. I would dislike
to take my trade elsewhere,

but I am loaded and lookin' for action.
I've just acquired 5,000 fish.
If it can be told, where did you
take on this fine bundle of lettuce?

I have nothin' to hide.
I collected the reward on my father.
It is an advantage
to have a successful father.

Nobody ever wanted my old man
for as much as 500.

I'm worried about Nathan.
Harry the Horse is not the only one.

There's a lotta loose money around
and everybody's lookin' for some action.

If Nathan doesn't find a place...
Why, Lieutenant Brannigan!
Mr Southstreet, it is Lieutenant Brannigan
of the New York City Police Department.
Have either of you seen Nathan Detroit?
- Which Nathan Detroit is that?
- Your boss Nathan Detroit,
