Le Notti bianche

The new tenant wasn't from here.
He came from another town.
This way, sir.
Do come in.

Since he didn't quibble
about the rent,

Grandma took him in
without checking on him.

Only when he turned up,
Grandma got suspicious
and said:

What's he like, Natalia?
Is he young?

Not to lie, I said:
He's not exactly young,
but he's not old either, Grandma.
Is he good looking?
My goodness!
Who'd have expected it?

A tenant who's also
good looking.

ln my day, that never happened.
What are you doing? Hurry up!
Go and get the rent book
from my room.

-Right away!
-Go! Go! Go!

I'd forgotten about the pin.
I felt so ashamed
that as soon as I left the room.

I burst into tears
like an idiot.

From that day, as soon as
I heard a noise in the hall,

I felt I would die.
I always thought...
It's him!

One morning,
when I was sure he wasn't in,
with the excuse of tidying up,
I went into his room.
