Bonjour tristesse

- May I tie her onto your float?
- Sure. I'll help.

My mother has a house on
the other side of the rocks.

I'm spending my vacation there.
- Vacation from what?
- Law school.

- Do you really mean to be a lawyer?
- Why else go to law school?

Well, one has to do something
until one reaches a certain age.

- One has to prepare for the future.
- I'm preparing.

- How?
- By learning how to have a good time.

That's not a very...
- You're terribly serious, aren't you?
- Yes, I am serious.

- How marvellous.
- Why?

- I don't know any serious people.
- How peculiar.

That's my father there
with a friend of ours.

- Yes, I know.
- You do? How?

- You've seen us at the casino.
- No.

No, you're too serious to go there.
In the village?

- I've never seen any of you.
- Then you've heard about us.

You heard about those
wicked people from Paris.

- I'm from Paris.
- You heard and were intrigued.

You're corruptible.
I'm just interested in people,
that's all.

Well, it was very nice
of you to help me.

- I didn't mean to embarrass you.
- You didn't.

Or shock you.
- lf you'd like to come sailing...
- I'd love it, but I don't know how.

I'll teach you.
I think you could do with
a lesson yourself.

I'm an excellent sailor.
The mast broke.

- Come on.
- Where?

Don't you want to meet
the wicked people from Paris?

Do you think I upset him?
You hop subjects like a roulette ball.
Upset who?

- That sailor boat boy. What's his name?
- Philippe.

It's torture to wear clothes
with a sunburn.

I think I did upset him.
Was I too open about us?

He didn't need quite so much help
in adding one and one.

Anyway, he's brilliantly cute.
- Why didn't Cecile ask him to dinner?
- She did for tomorrow.
