Soliti ignoti, I

I need some money to buy a coat.
I'm cold.

We'll take care of it.
The countess will give us one
of her capes.

She's got a storage room full.
Can you picture me in one of those
capes? I've had enough of them.

He's right. Mario is a man now,
and he needs a real coat.

When are they going
to get new ones?

This here is the hole I made
to hide my cigarettes in!

Now, tell me, Mario...
You're not unemployed, are you?

No, I work... now and then,
but I work.

Why is it you can't get
a steady job?

You're a certified cabinetmaker.
Right, certified.
I know what it is. He's ashamed to
show the diploma he got from here.

Why does it have to say
'orphanage'... charitable institution?

What kind of a diploma is that?
It's like being branded a son of a...

Mario, listen. We'll lend you
the money for the coat,

but you're keeping your hands off
your savings.

No, in that case I'll do without it.
Of all the brats that pass
through here,

why am I the only one
you put up with?

Don't worry,
I'll put the money back.

I have some friends,
and if all goes well

I'll take all three of you
away from here.

Every safe is a thing unto itself.
Some have crossed bars,
some are triangular,
and others circular.

All of them, however,
are made so that the lock

doesn't have
any openings around it.

Hey, what are you doing? Eating?
Just pay a little attention, right?
You can eat during recess.

Now, one way to opening them
is by using dynamite.
