Le Trou

He knows what he's doing.
He's already escaped
three times; right Roland?

When I think that if I hadn't changed cells
I wouldn't be going with you.

I'm lucky!
As long as you trust us, you're lucky.
So when do we start?
It's gonna be lights out soon.
We can't dig the hole at night.

We have to take advantage
of the daily noises outside.

Of course!
Tonight we'll feast,
pass me that rice pudding.

Give me the box, Roland.
We'll share everything.

Dinner's served!
Funny how you rub your
hands together. Suits you.

Sure, I come from
a long line of clergymen.

My uncle was a bishop.
No kidding. I was wondering
about your name, Monseigneur.

- Well, I'm going for it.
- Be my guest!

Here we do nothing but eat.
