Judgment at Nuremberg

They're a picture of an era,
its hopes, its aspirations.

They weren't very different from ours, really.
Listen to this, on the signing
of the Weimar constitution:

"Now we can look forward to a Germany
without guns and bloodshed...

"a Germany of justice,
where men can live instead of die...

"a Germany of purpose,
of freedom, of humanity...

"a Germany that calls for the best in man. "
Now, how could a man
who wrote words like these...

be part of sterilizations and murders?
How could he be?

There are a lot of things that happened here
that nobody understands.

I know.
But the prosecution will have to prove...
every inch of its allegation...
against a man like Janning
if I'm to pronounce sentence on him.

Gentlemen, I'm on my way. Coming, Ken?
There's just this business
on the curtailment of rights.

Dan, my wife is planning a little get-together
tomorrow night at the Grand Hotel.

She wants you to come.
I thank you.
And she'd like to provide you
with some kind of female companionship.

She has a feeling
that you might be lonely here.

No, thanks, Curtiss. Thanks very much.
You know how these wives are.
They love to play Cupid.

I think I'll keep it stag.
All right. How about you, Ken?
Thanks. My wife and I
have an engagement. Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night, Dan.

Mrs. Halbestadt, could I...
Your Honor, this is Madame Bertholt.
This is His Honor, Judge Haywood.
Madame Bertholt, this is her house.
She came to get some of her belongings
from the basement.
