Fun in Acapulco

Some boss.
He's a sneaky gringo.
-Viva el vino
-Hold it down!

-Viva el dinero
-Hold it down!

Viva, viva, el amor...
Quiet. See?
You'll wake everyone up.

Time to be up
anyway. lt's 6:30.

l'll tell you what--
l'll buy you a drink later
if you'll go away now, hmm?

We go now. Pay later.
Good idea.

-ls it a deal?

Tonight, El Torito's, 6:00.
Where is it?
Ask everybody, anybody.
Hey, amigo, what's your name?
-Mike, l'm Armando, he's Pedro

that's Pablo, and he's Sam.
See you later, Mike.
The natives are restless
this morning.

So are you.
l'm always restless.
Why don't you go back to bed?
l'd rather be with you.
Come back when you've grown up.
You mean l'm going to get
any more grown up than this?

How old do you think
l am, anyway?

l don't know, but l'm
sure l've got neckties

that are older than you are.
Nobody understands
that women mature younger

these days--
just nature at work.

Well, nature
doesn't do my work.

So, why don't you
be a nice girl

and just, uh, run along now.
lt's my dad's boat, you know.
l could get you fired.
Why don't you?
Go back to your dolls.
So you can go back to yours?
Torito's al izquierda.
¿ Cuanto es?
Tres pesos.
Keep the change.
Thank you very much.
