Fun in Acapulco

How old do you think
l am, anyway?

l don't know, but l'm
sure l've got neckties

that are older than you are.
Nobody understands
that women mature younger

these days--
just nature at work.

Well, nature
doesn't do my work.

So, why don't you
be a nice girl

and just, uh, run along now.
lt's my dad's boat, you know.
l could get you fired.
Why don't you?
Go back to your dolls.
So you can go back to yours?
Torito's al izquierda.
¿ Cuanto es?
Tres pesos.
Keep the change.
Thank you very much.
Señor, you wish
to go dancing?

Sorry, l'm going
to El Torito's.

That's the place.
Tell them l sent you.

Would you like to buy
beautiful jewelry?

No, thanks.
Beautiful ring? Bracelet?
For your girlfriend?

l don't want it.
l got nobody to buy it for.
l'm sorry.

Viva el dinero
Viva, viva...
Dance, one peso?
No, thank you, not right now.
Viva el vino
Viva el dinero
Viva, viva, el amor.
Hey, amigo, you remember us!
Sure, l remember you, Sam.
-No, he's Sam.
-l'm Sam.

-Oh, hi, Sam.

He's the skipper of a boat.
No, l'm not the skipper.
