DRAGO: Come on, all of you!
Gather around.
People, come on! Gather around.
l'm McLintock.
You people planned a homestead
and farmed the Mesa Verde.
MAN: Yes, sir.
The government give us
each 160 acres.
The government never gave
anybody anything.
Some years back,
a lot like you came in.
They had a pretty good
first year...
good summer, easy winter,
but the next year,
the last rain was in February,
and by June,
even the jackrabbits had sense
enough to get off the Mesa.
Folks, do you know
who that is?
That's McLintock...
George Washington McLintock.
l told them that, Douglas.
DOUGLAS: He controls
the water rights...
on 200 square miles
of range.
You know that lumber you got?
That came from his land.
Cut by his loggers
and milled in his mills.
Douglas, l come close to killing
you a couple of times...
when we were younger.
Saddens me l didn't.
DOUGLAS: Can you imagine
a man who owns all that...
Oh, and mines, too.
l forgot to mention them...
All that, and he's begrudging
poor people a measly...
a measly 160 acres.
That right, Mr. McLintock?
You begrudge us
a little free land?
There's no such thing
as free land.
lf you make
these homesteads go,
you'll have earned
every acre of it,
but you just can't make 'em go
on the Mesa Verde.
God made that country
for buffalo.
lt serves pretty well for
cattle, but it hates the plow,
and even the government
should know...
that you can't farm 6,000 feet
above sea level.
Any trouble, Mr. McLintock?
No trouble, Sheriff.
How about you, Douglas?