The World of Henry Orient

Il est remarié et il a deux enfants.
- Mais qui te dit qu'il est heureux?
- Il est fou d'elle.

Imagine qu'il se rende compte que son
second mariage a été une terrible erreur.

Il ouvre enfin les yeux
et il sait que ta mère

est la seule femme
qu'il ait jamais aimée de toute sa vie.

Ça ne risque pas d'arriver.
Il est forcé de lui dire la vérité.
À sa seconde épouse.

Il doit retrouver la seule femme
qu'il ait jamais aimée.

Adieu, seconde épouse.
- C'est possible?
- Il n'a pas le choix.

Il ne peut pas vivre dans le mensonge.
Il doit retourner à son seul grand amour.

Peut-être à Noël.
- La veille de Noël.
- Vers 18 h.

Ta mère et toi êtes en train de décorer
le sapin quand on sonne à la porte.

- C'est moi qui ouvrirais.
- Tu te demanderais qui c'est.

Tu n'attendrais personne.
He's married again
and got a couple of kids.

- But how do you know he's happy?
- He's crazy about her.

I know, but...
just suppose he suddenly realised

his second marriage was a tragic mistake.
His eyes are opened at last
and he knows now that your mother

is the only woman
he's ever loved in his whole life.

I don't think there's much chance of that.
So there's nothing to do but to tell her
the truth. The second wife, I mean.

He's simply got to go back to the only
woman he's ever loved in his whole life.

Goodbye, second wife.
- You think that's possible?
- He's got no choice.

He can't live a lie, can he?
He's got to go back to his one true love.

Maybe... during Christmas.
- Christmas Eve, maybe.
- About six o'clock.

You and your mother are all alone
trimming the tree when the doorbell rings.

- I'd be the one to answer it.
- You'd be wondering who it could be.

You weren't expecting anyone.
