The Ipcress File

Oh. Good morning, sir.
"Champignons. "
You're paying ten pence more
for a fancy French label.

If you want mushrooms,
you'd get better value on the next shelf.

It's not just the label,
these do have a better flavour.

Of course.
You're quite a gourmet, aren't you?

Beefaroni? Extraordinary.
- I haven't seen you here before, sir.
- No, I don't...

really care for
these American shopping methods.

One has to move with the times,
I suppose. Hm?

- Yes, that's very nice.
- Is it really?

- Settled down with Dalby, have you?
- Yes, sir.

- And the girl Courtney.
- You didn't come...

- Excuse me.
- Sorry.

You didn't come to talk about...
Oh, you men!
...button mushrooms and birds.
- Perceptive of you.

May I?
That, erm, tape. You must have
a pretty thick file on it now.

That's right.
That's baby food, sir.
- I want to see it.
- Why don't you...

Why don't you ask Dalby for it?
- I don't want Dalby to know about it.
- Why not, sir?

Don't be impertinent, Palmer.
