I assure you we're not mad.
Dr. Philips', created some kind
of living organism that kills.
- That's what happened to Dr. Landers?
We'll need your help
if this island is to survive.
- Survive?
- What do you want us to do?
First of all, I'll need
ten good men beside yourselves.
- I can find those for you all right.
- Good.
I want all the villagers together
in an hour.
That's short notice.
We can gather
in the meeting hall.
Right. I'll let you know
everything more fully then.
- We'd better tell the Constable.
- I'm sorry, you're late. He's dead.
- The Constable too?
- Yes, and Ian Bellows.
You know, we've had
reports of animals dying.
- It seems as if they had no bones.
- Where?
Several places.
In the northern part of the island.
- Has anything occurred in the centre?
- No, just north of the centre.
- We haven't time, they're moving.
- How many?
We'll explain at the hall,
we must finish these notes.
- We'll do as you say.
- Thank you.
- Now they tried experiment 1165...
- Yes.
And if you compare that with 1143,
the results were negative.
Quiet! Quiet, please!
Now, that's all we know
at the moment.
Your attention, please.
I'm Dr. West and this is Dr. Stanley.
We've completed going over
Dr. Philips' notes
and I must warn you that we're in
a dangerous situation. Dr. Stanley?