The Odd Couple

I got everything
in here.

We had so much

We had two beautiful kids,
a beautiful home.

Whoever had more
beautiful kids

or a more
beautiful home?

Nobody. Nobody.
It's 12 years of marriage
down the drain.

Drains can be fixed.
That's why we have plumbers.

Get me a pot
under the sink, will you?

It's not fair.
Damn it,
it's not fa...aah!

What's the matter?
My neck. My neck.
I got a nerve spasm
in my neck.

Just take it easy.
Show me where it hurts.

I can't
straighten it out.

Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.

I just want to see
where it hurts.

I get it from tension.
I must be tense.

I wouldn't be

Aah! Oh!
Relax, damn it,

Don't yell at me.
Ow. Ow.

Does that hurt?
No. It feels good.
You make the same sounds
for pain or happiness.

I know.
I think I'm crazy.

If it'll make you
feel any better,

I think so, too.
The first sign
of anything going wrong,

and I fall
to pieces.

Don't stop. It feels
good when you rub.

If you don't relax,
I'll break my fingers.

Look at this...
The only man in the world
with clenched hair.

Bend over.
Just bend over. Attaboy.

OK, now,
hold still.

If this hurts,
Felix, tell me,

'cause I don't know
what the hell I'm doing.

What's that noise?
I can't breathe.
It must be the dust.

Open the window.
Get some fresh air.

Wait. We're not opening
any windows on the 11th floor.

We'll go downstairs
for a walk.

I wish I were like you,

But I'm weak,
and I admit it...
I'm weak, weak.

You'll outlive today's
entire generation.

You want a lick?
You don't understand.
