The Odd Couple

[Very Loud
Nasal Honking]

Stop that, will you?
What are you doing?

I'm trying
to clear up my ears.

You create a pressure
inside your head.

It opens up
the eustachian tubes.

[Loud Honking]
Did it open up?
Uh-huh. I think
I strained my throat.

Felix, will you
leave yourself alone?

Don't tinker.
I know.
I can't help it.
I drive everybody crazy.

A marriage counselor
once kicked me out of his office.

Wrote on my chart...

It takes two to make
a rotten marriage.

You don't know
what I was like at home.

I'm a compulsive cleaner...
always cleaning up
after Frances.

Then I'd go into the kitchen
and recook her meals

because I'm also
a much better cook than she is.

I cooked myself
right out of a marriage.

Stupid damned idiot!
Hey, Felix,
don't do that.

You'll get
a headache.

I can't stand it anymore.
It's just...

I hate me.
Oh, boy,
do I hate me.

You don't hate you.
You love you.

You think no one else
has problems like you.

I thought
you were my friend.

I am. That's why I can
talk to you this way...

Because I love you
almost as much as you do.

Then why
don't you help?

How can I help you
when I can't even help myself?

You think you're impossible
to live with?

Ha ha! Blanche
used to say to me,

"What time
do you want dinner?"
