The Odd Couple

We got a poker game
going on here.

Is it up to me...
Who threw a pickle on my floor?

I don't think
that's funny.

What is
that smell?

It's the cards.
He washed the cards.

I'm getting
out of here.

I can't stand
any more.

Wait a minute, Roy.
Where are you going?

I've been sitting here
breathing cleaning fluid

and ammonia
for three hours.

Nature didn't intend for poker
to be played like that.

ready to play.

Good. We got just enough
for handball.

Where is everybody?
You got the nerve
to ask that question?

I've just been
sterilized out of $53.

Well, I'm sorry.
Is it my fault, fellas?

No. I guess no one
feels like playing tonight.

I'd better be going, too.
Got to get up early.

Bebe and I are driving to
Asbury Park for the weekend.

Just the two of you?
Gee, that's nice.

You always do things
like that together, don't you?

We have to.
I don't know how to drive.

You coming, Murray?
Yeah. Why not?
I got to stop off
and get Mimi a hero sandwich

and a frozen eclair.
Marriage. Huh!
Those two playboys

sure got the life,
huh, Vinnie?

Yeah. Some life
those playboys got.

That's funny,
isn't it, Oscar?

They think we're happy.
Ha ha ha!
They really think we're
enjoying ourselves.

Well, they don't know.
They just don't know
what it's like
living alone, do they?

I'd be immensely grateful
to you, Felix,

if you didn't
clean up just now.

Just a few things.

Ha ha ha!
That's really funny.

I think they
actually envy us.

Well, they should
only know.

Felix, will you leave
everything alone, please?

I'm not through
dirtying up for the night.

Don't you see
the irony of it?

Don't you
see the irony?

Yes, I see it.
I really don't think
you see it.

Felix, I'm telling you,
I see the irony of it.

Then tell me...
What's the irony?

The irony is that unless
we come to some other arrangement,
