The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Listen, Mary.
Was it a long,
lingering kiss?

I shouldn't have
t-told you.

But since you did,
was it a long, lingering kiss?

- Yes.
- I see.

- Didn't they hear you?
- I d-don't think so.

They jumped apart though.
You mean,
they sensed your presence?

I d-d-don't know.
Was it like this...
That's it! That's it!
It's nearly 5:00. Time you girls were away.
What were you doing, Sandy?

- Just playacting, Miss Mackay.
- Playacting at what?

- Opera.
- Opera?

Yes, Miss Mackay.
We've been studying Traviata.

Sandy, show me
what you were doing.

Go on. Show me.
That's enough, Sandy.
She was doing Violetta
expiring for love of Alfredo.

- It's very sad.
- Oh, nonsense.

Violetta did not expire
for love of Alfredo.

Violetta was a thoroughly silly woman
with diseased lungs.
