The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

l really thought
we were done for.

The art of concealment,
my dear Watson...

is merely a matter of
being in the right place...

at the right time.
Did you hear what she said?
You really think Emile
is going to pick up...

the letter himself?
lt certainly would
simplify things, wouldn't it?

Letter drops,
wheelchairs, canaries?

And what was
all that about Jonah?

And what do you suppose
they're doing up there?

And where is up there?
My guess would be Scotland...
lnverness, to be more precise.

Didn't you notice the paper
at the bottom of their cage?

''The lnverness Courier.''
Mr. Holmes, this letter.
What about it?
lt is addressed to you.
To me?
But that's impossible.
We sent it ourselves.

''My dear Sherlock...
''l expect you and Dr. Watson
to join me at the club...

''immediately upon
receipt of this note.

''According to my calculations...
''that should be at 11 :40 A.M.
''Your brother Mycroft.''
What time do you
make it, Watson?

11 :43.
Either your watch is wrong
or Mycroft has miscalculated...

and knowing Mycroft,
l suggest you reset your watch.

