Columbo: Lady in Waiting

I couldn't sleep last night.
A couple of points were bothering me,
so I thought I'd clear them up.

- What kind of points?
- Thank you.

That newspaper.
Yes, the one that I noticed
on the table in the foyer.

Correct me if I'm wrong
but didn't I hear you say

that you were home all day yesterday?
That's right.
That's what puzzles me.
How did that newspaper get there?

- Haven't you ever heard of home delivery?
- Oh, yeah.

- I have a paper delivered every morning.
- There's your answer.

No. No, that won't answer it, no.
The newspaper on the foyer table
was a late edition.

I even saw racetrack results in it.
I don't quite follow you.
If you were home all day,
who brought home the newspaper?

Bryce must have brought it home.
But he came in through your room,
not through the front door.

He was shot on that side of the house.
How did that newspaper get
to the other end of the house?

You seem to be
cross-examining my daughter.

That's all right, Mother.
Bryce must have brought it in

and in my confusion I put it on the table
when I went to answer the door.

Yes, that would be an answer,
except for one thing.

You left your brother's
attaché case out there.

Why wouldn't you bring them both in
at the same time?

I didn't see it.
You didn't see it. Gee.
They couldn't have been too far apart.
People are inconsistent
when in a state of shock, Lieutenant.

It's foolish of you to expect
rational behaviour at a time like that.

Well, I'm sure you're right about this.
I only get into it because
I try to figure it out in my mind.

Uh, well, look, I'm sure both of you
have a great deal to talk about

so I'm gonna run along.
Thank you for the coffee, ma'am.
- Bye-bye.
- Goodbye.
