Fiddler on the Roof

is better than no husband, God forbid!
Who should know better than me?
Ever since my husband died,
I've been a poor widow.

All alone, no-one to talk to,
nothing to say to anyone.

All I do at night is think of him.
And even thinking of him
gives me no pleasure.
Is Tzeitel in the house?
Why don't you go and find out?
Thank you, Bielke.
He never raised his voice.
Er... Good afternoon.
Is Tzeitel in the house?

She's busy. Come back later.
There's something I want to tell her.
What does a poor skinny tailor
want with Tzeitel?

They've always been friends.
They talk, they play...

Play? What do they play?
I don't know, they're children.
From such children come other children.
Motel is nothing!
Yente, you said you had news for me.
Ah... children, children.
They are your blessing in your old age.
But my Aaron, may he rest in peace,
couldn't give me children.

To tell you the truth, Golde,
he hardly tried.
But what's the use complaining?
Other women enjoy complaining.
Not Yente.
Not every woman in the world is a Yente.
Well, I...
I have to go home now
to prepare my poor Sabbath meal.
So er... goodbye, Golde.
And it was a pleasure
talking our hearts out to each other.

Yente, you said you had news for me!
Oh, I'm losing my head.
Some day, it will fall off altogether.
A horse will kick it in the mud
and, 'Goodbye, Yente'.
Of course, the news.
It's about Lazar Wolf, the butcher.
A good man. A fine man.
And I don't have to tell you
he's well off, no?
