The Last Valley

But this, it's not right.
It's whoring.
Has Satan put a spell on you?
You heard what Father Sebastian said:
"Their suffering would save the village
just as Christ's suffering saved the world."

Yes, I heard him.
But that doesn't make him right.
He's not right!

Get out of my house!
You offered her?
They are to get a holy indulgence.
Gruber is paying for it.
If he pays the church in land,
of course it is right.

What father would not want
eternal salvation for his daughter?

Captain, can I speak to you?
It's about Inge, Hoffman's daughter.
Refuse her, accept another in her place.
- You want to take away her salvation?
- No.

Gruber has agreed
that the shrine should be moved.

- What is your counsel?
- Don't touch it.

The priest doesn't agree.
Gruber is our only guarantee
of peace with the peasants.

They are all frightened of him,
all in debt to him.

What Gruber says must be done, is done.
No one can control this valley as he can.
No one is rich enough or shrewd enough...
or has his courage.
It is not wise to make an enemy of Gruber.
Or you.
Or Graf, Hansen, Hoffman,
the list is endless.
