Une belle fille comme moi

How is she?
Still well stacked?

She is a fine looking person
If she's freed she will need
A loving contact with reality
I'm ready to lay her any time!
That's contact!
That's not what I mean
Camilla needs to relate
To real people in real situations
Do you understand me?
Take your time, Professor
Don't lose your cool

When she gets out, I'll fix her up
How's that? Fair enough
You go for her yourself
And you figure I'll cut you out
Not at all!
My interest in her
Is purely intellectual
Man, I dig your style
But with camilla you gotta
Hit the target
The only thing on your mind
Is to exploit Camilla!
Calling me a pimp?
I dig your problem but what can I do?
It's been an exercise talking to you
I hate to break it up
Hey! Look!
That your angel cake?
Did you find your husband changed?
Same creep!
His 27 fractures
Hadn't changed him any

The lawyer said to visit Clovis every day
It was damned far
I had Arthur the ant-killer and his truck
He was my cabbie

Your brother?
He's recovering
