Une belle fille comme moi

The only thing on your mind
Is to exploit Camilla!
Calling me a pimp?
I dig your problem but what can I do?
It's been an exercise talking to you
I hate to break it up
Hey! Look!
That your angel cake?
Did you find your husband changed?
Same creep!
His 27 fractures
Hadn't changed him any

The lawyer said to visit Clovis every day
It was damned far
I had Arthur the ant-killer and his truck
He was my cabbie

Your brother?
He's recovering
He'll be home soon
but I wonder where
I'll get the dough for a wheel-chair
For his re-education

Take it!
I can't!
You must! Material things don't matter
What good is my money if I can't be
rewarded by your sweet smile?

Where to?
Colt Saloon
Gotta rehearse

Tell me, Mr. Arthur
So just to be polite
I asked about his work
That did it! He went on and on
Bugs, termites, mice
When I appear, they disappear
You'll ask me
What about spiders?
Why, don't you kill them?
Search me!
I'll be frank with you
The termite eats into...
The heart of the house
If it lives, the house dies
