The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat

Tell you what I'm going to do.
You give me the seat,
I'll trade for you a bargain.

Where did you get this thing?
all the time, questions.

Nowadays people
don't know an opportunity...

when it smacks them
upside of the face.

I think I've been screwed.
With that, you could be
the next man on the moon.

Fuck the moon.
I been further than that once.

That's no big deal.
I'd rather take a shit.

So would l.
Give me the seat.

I'm going to hit you
on the top of the head.

This should cure you.
Here we go. I say heal!

Heal, Mr. Cobbs, heal!
Through the power vested
in me by God, Jesus Christ...

I'm going to heal you, Mr. Cobb.
Hello, world.
This is the event
mankind has been waiting for--

the first man launched to Mars.
Fritz, I got to tell you
something right out in front.

If it wouldn't be
for this fucking cold...

I'd be going
all the way to Mars with you.

39 million miles--a drop kick.
But the doc says
I can't fly with this cold.

It's bad for the ears.
He said something about me
popping a drum or something...

I don't know.
Jeez, I got to get
some more Binaca.

Put that in my bring-ups,
will you?

Fritz, you know
how I hate to bother you...

when you're
getting near the pad...

but we got to make a decision
on the Poli-Grip account.

I can see you with
a package of five spots...

for the Japanese
and Taiwan market.

the residuals will be unreal.

It's eight million yen
for every thirteen-week cycle...

and you don't
have to declare it.

You know,
there's a whole cult...

of denture-adhesive freaks
out there...

just waiting for a leader.
Some of them
still got their own teeth.

Am I bothering you
with all this, Fritz?

My God, Fritz,
I got to get some air in here.

I feel myself slipping away.
Now, I know
you're against charities...

and benefits and freebies...
but hear me out
on this one, Fritzie.

There's a nationwide
charity telethon coming up...

the first of next month...
for the further development
of all-vegetable...

polyunsaturated Preparation H--
