The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat

But the doc says
I can't fly with this cold.

It's bad for the ears.
He said something about me
popping a drum or something...

I don't know.
Jeez, I got to get
some more Binaca.

Put that in my bring-ups,
will you?

Fritz, you know
how I hate to bother you...

when you're
getting near the pad...

but we got to make a decision
on the Poli-Grip account.

I can see you with
a package of five spots...

for the Japanese
and Taiwan market.

the residuals will be unreal.

It's eight million yen
for every thirteen-week cycle...

and you don't
have to declare it.

You know,
there's a whole cult...

of denture-adhesive freaks
out there...

just waiting for a leader.
Some of them
still got their own teeth.

Am I bothering you
with all this, Fritz?

My God, Fritz,
I got to get some air in here.

I feel myself slipping away.
Now, I know
you're against charities...

and benefits and freebies...
but hear me out
on this one, Fritzie.

There's a nationwide
charity telethon coming up...

the first of next month...
for the further development
of all-vegetable...

polyunsaturated Preparation H--

with suntan oil.
Jerry Lewis is going
to be there--everybody.

And before you shut me off,
I got to tell you...

the exposure will be
sensational for you.

And we might even have
a spin-off...

on a new movie
that's coming out...

with Frankie Avalon
and Annette Funicello...

called "Beach Ball Piles."
Well, Fritz, I see
we arrived at the pad...

so this will give you
some things to think about...

on a 39-million mile trip.
And remember, Fritz, sweetheart,
I'd be with you all the way...

it wouldn't be
for this fucking cold.

Hot damn.
That chick wouldn't look bad...

holding up a Hershey's bar,
would she?

With nuts.
Ah, freedom of the press.
Jeez, I feel sorry
for the poor slob.

I wouldn't make that trip
with him with six points.

Hey, Fritz, baby,
want to talk to Walter?

Sure. Why not?
Fritz, does being the first
to set foot on Mars--

golly--kind of give you
goose bumps?
